[OpenLayers-Users] FeatureInfo-Popup not returning results

Sven Burbeck sburbeck at bfs.de
Tue Aug 24 06:36:43 EDT 2010

Hi Marc,
thanks for your hint regarding the vendorParams. It at least solves  
part of the problem (passing the URl to the constructor didn't work).
I now produce a request that has the "map" parameter and the request  
gets a response from the server (format=html).

However, GeoExt.popup opens but is still blank and doesn't show the html.
Firebug throws an error (just the GET request) although I can take  
this request and get a proper response from the server.

any idea?


Quoting "Marc Jansen" <jansen at terrestris.de>:

> Hi Sven,
> The error message you see come from UMN mapserver moaning about the
> missing URL parameter MAP, not the OpenLayers Map.
> Have you tried to pass over an URL to the Constructor of the control
> (this isn't documented in the API, but maybe should be)?
> featureInfo = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
>    url : 'http://example.com/mapserver?map=/path/to/mapfile.map'
> });
> If the above fails, you could use the non-API-property "vendorParams" (I
> cannot see a reason why this is a hidden option):
> featureInfo = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
>    vendorParams: {
>      map: '/path/to/mapfile.map'
>    }
> });
> If both work, I'd go with the vendorParams, because that is what UMN  
> Mapservers MAP url parameter is.
> Untested, hope it helps,
> Marc
> On 24.08.2010 11:00, Sven Burbeck wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I'm struggling to show GetFeatureInfo results in a GeoExtPopup.
>> I used the sample code for openLayers / GeoExt.popup.
>> That's the code:
>> ...
>>      var featureInfo = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo();
>>              featureInfo.events.on({
>>                  getfeatureinfo: function(e) {
>>                      new GeoExt.Popup({
>>                          title: "Info",
>>                          width: 200,
>>                          height: 150,
>>                          autoScroll: true,
>>                          maximizable: true,
>>                          map: map,
>>                          lonlat: map.getLonLatFromPixel(e.xy),
>>                          html: e.text
>>                      }).show();
>>                  }
>>              });
>>      map.addControl(featureInfo);
>>      featureInfo.activate();
>> ...
>> My WMS comes from MapServer (and FeatureInfo apparently works on the
>> selected layers).
>> When checking the request (copied from firebug) directly in the browser
>> I get the following error message:
>> 'loadMap(): Web application error. CGI variable "map" is not set.'
>> And that's actually true. When adding the "map" parameter manually
>> everything works well.
>> However, I thought the requests "map" and "layers" parameter were given
>> by "map:map".
>> Maybe I simply missed something but currently I don't know what.
>> cheerrs,
>> Sven
> --
>    .................................................................
>     Karten im (Inter|Intra)net?
>     OpenLayers - Webentwicklung mit dynamischen Karten und Geodaten
>     von M. Jansen und T. Adams, OpenSourcePress, München.
>     ISBN: 978-3-937514-92-5
>     URL:  http://openlayers-buch.de
>    .................................................................
>    Dipl.-Geogr. Marc Jansen
>    - Anwendungsentwickler -
>    terrestris GmbH&  Co. KG
>    Irmintrudisstraße 17
>    53111 Bonn
>    Tel:    ++49 (0)228 / 96 28 99 -53
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>    Email:  jansen at terrestris.de
>    Web:    http://www.terrestris.de
>    Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6835
>    Komplementärin:  terrestris Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
>    vertreten durch: Hinrich Paulsen, Till Adams
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