[OpenLayers-Users] Control with dynamic icon

Oussama Mubarak oussama.mubarak at hyptique.fr
Wed Feb 3 10:21:26 EST 2010


I am trying to create a panel with a list of controls created dynamically.

I created a custom control class based on OpenLayers.Control.Point to 
allow me to define default attributes and styles to each point created 
with this control, by replacing the following line:
var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geometry);

with the following:
this.featureAttributes = this.featureAttributes || {};
this.featureStyle = this.featureStyle || {};
var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geometry, 
this.featureAttributes, this.featureStyle);

I did that essentially because I needed to allow the addition of icons 
associated with the control. So that when a certain control is active, 
all points created on the map will have its styles.externalGraphic 
modified. (I didn't want to use the Marker class as the ability to drag 
and drop is not implemented)

This works great so far.

I am now trying to give each control a different look. Say I have for 
example a control that allows me to add boys on the map, and another one 
allows me to add girls. I want to add the boy icon to the first control, 
and the girl icon to the second, without using the "displayClass" 
property, as the list of controls is dynamic, so no css rules can be 
created in advance!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Oussama Mubarak
Développeur web et nouveaux médias
http://semiaddict.com // 06 83 65 76 90

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