[OpenLayers-Users] OSM-Data to OL-Map

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at uni-dortmund.de
Mon Feb 8 07:49:21 EST 2010

Hi Jan,

Jan Tappenbeck schrieb:
> Hallo !

"Hallo" ;-)

> can anybody have a look an help me ?

Orthography or OpenLayers? ;-)

First of all, get some Firefox-Addons like "Firebug" and "Web
Developer". Those will help you a lot.

Okay, now to your problem:
protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
url: "myosmfile.osm",   //<-- relative or absolute URL to your .osm file
format: new OpenLayers.Format.OSM()

Put your file on a webserver - I think, this won't work on local files.

Best regards,

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