[OpenLayers-Users] Custom proxy/facade between OpenLayers client
and a SOAP Web Service
feeneyi at forthvalleygis.co.uk
Mon Feb 15 03:43:20 EST 2010
Fairly new to open Layers, and looking for some advice and hopefully pointed
in the right direction.
Looking to develop web mapping for internet clients using OpenLayers.
Mapping will come from a SOAP web service (NOT WMS) behind a firewall. For
security reasons we don't want to make this SOAP service available on the
internet, and have the idea that we could develop a sort of proxy, or facade
that will sit between OpenLayers in the client browsers, and the SOAP
service to handle image requests.
OpenLayers Client <---> Proxy Server Components(s) <---> SOAP Web Service
(for mapping)
The idea is that we then only need to allow access to the SOAP ws from the
proxy. This will proxy will probably be a php componenet in an existing php
site. The url property of the OpenLayers.Layer will point to this proxy,
and the proxy will simply pull out parameters from the request such as BBOX,
layers, and present them to the SOAP ws. A base64 image string will come
back from the ws, and the image will be returned to the client.
So, does this sound like a goer? What do I need to think about? What
OpenLayers.Layer type should I use? Was thinking
OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest? Appropriate? Any performance considerations
with this? Any considerations for still being able to use the OpenLayers
functionality in full?
Any advice gratefully recieved.
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Custom-proxy-facade-between-OpenLayers-client-and-a-SOAP-Web-Service-tp4573481p4573481.html
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