[OpenLayers-Users] Mouse Move in OL

Sveen Atle Frenvik (Geomatikk IKT) Atle.Frenvik.Sveen at geomatikk.no
Fri Feb 26 05:45:03 EST 2010

Oh, the code i sent was part of a larger class i had written, so i just stripped out unnessecarry things, but i think you can initialize it by

var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
new MouseOver(map);

(or you can edit the class to f.ex 
GeoIKT.MouseOver = OpenLayers.Class({...code..});
and initialize by new GeoIKT.MouseOver(map); )

And you will of course have to extend the class in some way to handle the event. I guess i probably should have written this class as an OpenLayers.Event class, but this soultion worked for me, as i needed the functionality as part of a custom control.

Hope this helps, at least the basic idea of capturing mouse stops is outlined here.


On 02/26/2010 11:37 AM, Vidal, Antoni wrote: 

	Hello again,


	May I ask a litle question?


	When or how initialize your class?. I.e. var px = new OpenLayers.Size(128, 123);, but in the case of your class there isn't an object !


	Antoni Vidal

	Unitat d'Aplicacions SIG-WEB
	Ext. 3228


	De: Sveen Atle Frenvik (Geomatikk IKT) [mailto:Atle.Frenvik.Sveen at geomatikk.no] 
	Enviat: viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010 11:08
	Per a: Vidal, Antoni
	A/c: users at openlayers.org
	Tema: Re: Mouse Move in OL


	sorry, something mis-formatted my mail, take a look at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/860041/mousestop.js
	On 02/26/2010 10:47 AM, Vidal, Antoni wrote: 



	I've read your response in the list but is not so clear. Can you send me the attached code directly?


	Thank's a lot.


	Antoni Vidal

	Unitat d'Aplicacions SIG-WEB
	Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya <http://mercuri.icc.cat/website/mob_nf/mob1/mob2/inici2.htm?CONSULTA=Institut%20Cartogr%25E0fic%20de%20Catalunya&XYADDRESS=429486:4580392> 
	Parc de Montjuïc, E-08038 Barcelona
	Tel. (+34) 93 567 15 00 (ext. 3228)
	www.icc.cat <http://www.icc.cat/> 





	Atle Frenvik Sveen
	GIS Konsulent
	Geomatikk IKT AS
	tlf: 45 27 86 89
	atle.frenvik.sveen at geomatikk.no

Atle Frenvik Sveen
GIS Konsulent
Geomatikk IKT AS
tlf: 45 27 86 89
atle.frenvik.sveen at geomatikk.no
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