[OpenLayers-Users] WMS and Mercator projection

Andreas Hocevar ahocevar at opengeo.org
Tue Jun 1 05:59:35 EDT 2010

On Jun 1, 2010, at 10:58 , Joosep-Georg Järvemaa wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank you Andreas for your time!
>> Looking at your WMS Capabilities again, I see that the 'of10000' layer does not support EPSG:3301. Remove it from the "layers" list, and you should be fine.
> Do I understand it right that you're saying that the following should not work?
>>> http://xgis.maaamet.ee/wms-pub/alus-geo?STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326&FORMAT=image/png&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=of10000,TOPOYKSUS_6569,TOPOYKSUS_7793&bbox=24.6461274,59.3624859,24.6479219,59.3634004&width=499&height=499
> But for some reason it has always worked with JOSM and I can not
> imagine what should I do when it doesn't one day...

The request you pasted above is in EPSG:4326. The of10000 layer seems to support EPSG:4326 (despite the capabilities document listing "NONE" as only supported SRS). But the of10000 layer can not be requested in EPSG:3301, which is what OpenLayers does.

You should be able to add support for EPSG:3301 to that layer by changing the mapfile. You probably also have to define the native projection of the aerial image in the mapfile, to get rid of the "NONE" srs. Please ask on the mapserver-users list for more details if you don't know how to do that.


> Regards,
> -- 
> Joosep-Georg
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Andreas Hocevar
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