[OpenLayers-Users] WMS layering onto OSM problems (some tiles show, others don't)

Jefferson Heard jefferson.r.heard at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 13:26:04 EDT 2010

Well, the problem that I thought I had turns out not to be the case.  Yes, the requests are being made with the right projection.  No problems there.  

The problem is that the tiles aren't being layered in, or at least not all of them.  I start with a fully zoomed out, 256x256 single tile of all of OSM, and I can see the layering there.  The next zoom in as well.  The third zoom level, I get the data layered into the tile that includes the eastern seaboard, britain, and bits of western europe, and I only get that tile.  Zooming beyond that, none of the tiles show up.  

Using the GeoServer layer preview, reprojecting the bounding box, and asking for SRS EPSG:900913, I get all the tiles like I expect them.  I'm not sure what's different about the request I'm making in my application rather than in the GeoServer layer preview.  

-- Jeff

On Jun 16, 2010, at 1:12 PM, Ian Turton wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 12:00 PM, Jefferson Heard
> <jefferson.r.heard at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Right, but GeoServer can; those servers can reproject my tiles for me, but I can't seem to figure out how to adjust the WMS request that OpenLayers is making.
> If you set your map projection correctly then all the WMS requests
> will use that projection by default. No further intervention should be
> necessary on your part.
> From your original mail though it isn't obvious which layers are on GeoServer?
> Ian
> -- 
> Ian Turton

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