[OpenLayers-Users] double clicks on button control

Vito Tafuni vito at vitotafuni.com
Thu Jun 17 13:24:47 EDT 2010

i think buttons can be clicked only once
you have to use two buttons
or find a way for "count" how many times are you clicking it!

but i'm a newbie on OpenLayers so...
may be there's someone that can give you a better answer!


Tafuni Vito
vito at vitotafuni.com
"Verba volant, scripta manent... data corrupted"

2010/6/17 Dave Rafkind <drafkind at traversetechnologies.com>

>  I would like to add an extra button control to the map, in addition to the
> standard nav buttons. This additional button will do something when clicked.
> This works fine as normal.
> However when the users double-click the button that i have added, the
> underlying map picks it up and tries to do the "zoom-in-and-center" action
> at the point on the map
> that the button control happens to be over. I believe this is because my
> Button control is not consuming "Double-Click" actions and is instead
> passing them to the underlying div(s). So I'd like to see if consuming and
> destroying the double-click function from my Button will solve this. If
> there is a different/better way, I'm open to that as well.
> On 6/17/2010 1:01 PM, Vito Tafuni wrote:
> may be I misunderstand the terms "consume and ignore"
> however if you need standard mouse controls try adding the Navigation
> control to the map
> and if your Button doesn't work try strip off
>      defaultControl: controls[0]
> or simply use the OpenLayers. Control. ZoomToMaxExtent
> all you need is docs
> http://dev.openlayers.org/docs/files/OpenLayers-js.html
> -Vito-
> --
> -----------
> Tafuni Vito
> vito at vitotafuni.com
> ---------------------------------------------
> "Verba volant, scripta manent... data corrupted"
> 2010/6/17 Dave Rafkind <drafkind at traversetechnologies.com>
>> Hello list, anyone know how to get a Button control added to the map to
>> consume and ignore double click events? I want to let the normal handling of
>> double click events (ie the zooming) work if the user double clicks on the
>> map normally. Also I would prefer not to have to patch OpenLayers if at all
>> possible. Here's my code:
>>   var extentControl = new OpenLayers.Control.Button({
>>       displayClass: 'olControlZoomToMaxExtent',
>>       title: "Zoom to extent of site",
>>       trigger: function () {
>>           map.zoomToExtent(sitesLayer.getDataExtent());
>>       }
>>   });
>>   var controls = [
>>       // other controls also added to this list
>>       extentControl
>>    ];
>>    var panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel({
>>        'displayClass': 'olCustom',
>>        defaultControl: controls[0]
>>    });
>> panel.addControls(controls);
>>    map.addControl(panel);
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