[OpenLayers-Users] filter markers on a vector layer with a vector feature

Vito Tafuni vito at vitotafuni.com
Tue Jun 22 12:34:46 EDT 2010

Hi to all
I have 2 vector layers:
- layer1 contains vector markers (features) with their own styles, etc etc
- layer2 contains a circle vector feature (regularpolygon with sides:30)

i would like to hide all the markers in layer1 than are not covered by the
vector feature in layer2.

I have to do it with the stylemap of layer1 or can I use another way to set
a filter on layer1 like this:
    layer_filter = new OpenLayers.Filter.Logical({
                    type: OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.AND,
                    filters: [
                        new OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial({
                            type: OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.BBOX,
                            value: filter.geometry.getBounds()
don't trouble about the Logical.AND... my idea is to filter with more than
one feature!

I've seen the filter property in the Layer.Vector api doc but no example on
the web about how to using it!

any idea is welcome!!


Tafuni Vito
vito at vitotafuni.com
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