[OpenLayers-Users] right way for Spatial filtering

Sarah Schuessler sarah_flip at yahoo.de
Fri Jun 25 03:20:39 EDT 2010


and what did you found? ;-)

best regards



Tafuni Vito
vito at vitotafuni.com
"Verba volant, scripta manent... data corrupted"

2010/6/24 Vito Tafuni <vito at vitotafuni.com>

>I would like to draw a shape on the map
>and to display only that marks which are under the shape.
>i think i have to use Filter.Spatial + Rule + Style
>but i can't find the right way to do it!
>any tips?
>Tafuni Vito
>vito at vitotafuni.com
>"Verba volant, scripta manent... data corrupted"

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