[OpenLayers-Users] GetFeature and GetFeatureInfo giving no results

Kevin Smith smithkm at draconic.ca
Thu Mar 4 20:21:47 EST 2010

Hi, I've been bashing my head against this problem, or set of problems,
for a day and a half with no progress.

I'm fairly new to OpenLayers but I've tried every permutation of getting
features I can find or think of and I just get, nothing.  Not even an
error message.

I even tried copying one of the live examples verbatim:


The first one works fine, the second pans and zooms, but the feature
selecting function doesn't.  The only difference is that I added <base
href="http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/" /> for the relative URLs and
that it's being served by a different web server.

Ultimately all I'm trying to accomplish overall is:

* Given a property parcel ID, highlight the parcel (a polygon) and zoom
to it (So I need the bounding box)
* Click on a well (a point) to get information about it, particularly
the ID number.

I can do the highlight by adding a filter to a WMS layer (Using
Geoserver 2.0.1).  But every attempt I've made to select a feature
either by location or by properties, using Control.GetFeature,
Protocol.WFS.read, OpenLayers.loadUrl, in any way, shape or form I can
find an example or documentation for gives me nothing.  Not even error
messages, just empty response objects.


Kevin Smith <smithkm at draconic.ca>

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