[OpenLayers-Users] feature preview image on google earth

mario1982 at libero.it mario1982 at libero.it
Wed Mar 10 05:42:18 EST 2010

I have exported a kml layer containing different kind of feature such as audio, video, image. 

I've displayed it on Google earth and when I click on a feature I see correctly the description and the title, but I don't see the features image preview.

Here is a snippet of my code:

var pointKmlLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("kmlFeaturePointExported", pointStyle);

var visibleContents[];

var content = {
	id: '<%=g.getId()%>',
	lon: '<%=g.getLon()%>',
	lat: '<%=g.getLat()%>',
	type: '<%=g.getContent_type()%>',
	title: '<%=g.getTitle()%>',
	link: '<%=g.getLink()%>',
	author: '<%=g.getAuthor()%>',
	description: '<%=g.getDescription()%>'


if(visibleContents[i].type == "video") {
				 attributesFeaturePoint = {
								name: visibleContents[i].title,
								description: visibleContents[i].description, 
								contenttype: visibleContents[i].type, 
								link: visibleContents[i].link,
								title: visibleContents[i].title,
								author: visibleContents[i].author,
								id: visibleContents[i].id
featurePoint =  new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(visibleContents[i].lon, visibleContents[i].lat), attributesFeaturePoint, videoGraphic);
				featurePoint.geometry.transform(srcProj, destProj);

stringkml = escape(kmlout.write(pointKmlLayer.features));

Thank you for your help,


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