[OpenLayers-Users] Doubt with SOSCapabilities

Maribel Bernal maribel.bernal at iviron.com
Tue Mar 16 06:46:41 EDT 2010

Hi all,

Following the example (http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/sos.html), I'm 
using OpenLayers.js to connect by my local SOS which is based to 52North 
model, and it works correctly.

I have seen the result of the GetCapabilities request is an array of 
"offerings", and within each offering there are two separate arrays: the 
"features of interest" and the "procedures" related with this offering.

In the map, I can see the points that represents the "features of 
interest". When I click over a point, due to each feature can have one 
or more "offerings" associated, in the popup I see all the procedures 
related by all offerings of this FoI.

My question is:
There are any way to directly obtain only the "procedures" of a "feature 
of interest" regardless the offerings?

Thank you very much.

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