[OpenLayers-Users] Show huge vector layers

Zoeppi at gmx.de Zoeppi at gmx.de
Mon May 3 05:20:16 EDT 2010


I use OpenLayers to show the track of a user. The user uploads a gpx file and OpenLayers creates a vector and than shows the track. That's all working fine. But users can also upload track files with more than 10000 track points and that will slow down the zooming and scrolling of the map.

I thought about using only every n-th track point, but if I zoom in, the resolution of the track becomes more and more bad, so I had to recalculate the track points for every zoom level, which also slows down the browser.
So is there a way to limit the number of shown track points of a vector? 

Or is there a better way to solve my issue?

Thanks for your help and best regards.
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