[OpenLayers-Users] Toolbar icons IE6 transparency problem

David Alda Fernandez de Lezea dalda at ikt.es
Thu May 13 03:59:08 EDT 2010


How can I make the icons of my toolbar to be transparent?? I've try modifying my css adding "filter: alpha(opacity=0);" but they disappear form the toolpanel.

See attached image.

Any ideas?

Un saludo,

David Alda Fernández de Lezea
Lurralde eta Biodibertsitate Saila / Dpto. de Territorio y Biodiversidad
Granja Modelo s/n · 01192 · Arkaute (Araba)

Tlfnos.: 945-00-32-95                         Fax: 945-00.32.90
email: dalda at ikt.es                                web: www.ikt.es
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