[OpenLayers-Users] Help with mobile .

Chris Brisendine ki4gyw at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 05:16:19 EDT 2011

I have been trying to modify the mobile example for hours and have had 
no luck.
Can someone help me add my own wms overlays from my geoserver and remove 
the "vector" and "sprintersLayer"?

// API key for http://openlayers.org. Please get your own at
// http://bingmapsportal.com/ and use that instead.
var apiKey = 

// initialize map when page ready
var map;
var gg = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
var sm = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");

var init = function (onSelectFeatureFunction) {

     var vector = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Vector Layer", {});

     var sprintersLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Sprinters", {
         styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
             externalGraphic: "img/mobile-loc.png",
             graphicOpacity: 1.0,
             graphicWith: 16,
             graphicHeight: 26,
             graphicYOffset: -26

     var sprinters = getFeatures();

     var selectControl = new 
OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(sprintersLayer, {
         onSelect: onSelectFeatureFunction});

     var geolocate = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
         id: 'locate-control',
         geolocationOptions: {
             enableHighAccuracy: false,
             maximumAge: 0,
             timeout: 7000
     // create map
     map = new OpenLayers.Map({
         div: "map",
         theme: null,
         projection: sm,
         units: "m",
         numZoomLevels: 18,
         maxResolution: 156543.0339,
         maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(
             -20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34
         controls: [
             new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution(),
             new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation({
                 dragPanOptions: {
                     interval: 100,
                     enableKinetic: true
         layers: [
             new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("OpenStreetMap", null, {
                 transitionEffect: 'resize'
             new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing({
                 key: apiKey,
                 type: "Road",
                 // custom metadata parameter to request the new map 
style - only useful
                 // before May 1st, 2011
                 metadataParams: {
                     mapVersion: "v1"
                 name: "Bing Road",
                 transitionEffect: 'resize'
             new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing({
                 key: apiKey,
                 type: "Aerial",
                 name: "Bing Aerial",
                 transitionEffect: 'resize'
             new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing({
                 key: apiKey,
                 type: "AerialWithLabels",
                 name: "Bing Aerial + Labels",
                 transitionEffect: 'resize'
         center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0),
         zoom: 1

     var style = {
         fillOpacity: 0.1,
         fillColor: '#000',
         strokeColor: '#f00',
         strokeOpacity: 0.6
     geolocate.events.register("locationupdated", this, function(e) {
             new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
                     graphicName: 'cross',
                     strokeColor: '#f00',
                     strokeWidth: 2,
                     fillOpacity: 0,
                     pointRadius: 10
             new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
                     new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(e.point.x, e.point.y),
                     e.position.coords.accuracy / 2,

     function getFeatures() {
         var features = {
             "type": "FeatureCollection",
             "features": [
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [1332700, 7906300]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Igor Tihonov", 
"Country":"Sweden", "City":"Gothenburg"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [790300, 6573900]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Marc Jansen", 
"Country":"Germany", "City":"Bonn"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [568600, 6817300]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Bart van den Eijnden", 
"Country":"Netherlands", "City":"Utrecht"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [-7909900, 5215100]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Christopher Schmidt", 
"Country":"United States of America", "City":"Boston"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [-937400, 5093200]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Jorge Gustavo Rocha", 
"Country":"Portugal", "City":"Braga"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [-355300, 7547800]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Jennie Fletcher ", 
"Country":"Scotland", "City":"Edinburgh"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [657068.53608487, 5712321.2472725]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Bruno Binet ", 
"Country":"France", "City":"Chambéry"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [667250.8958124, 5668048.6072737]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Eric Lemoine", 
"Country":"France", "City":"Theys"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [653518.03606319, 5721118.5122914]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Antoine Abt", 
"Country":"France", "City":"La Motte Servolex"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [657985.78042416, 5711862.6251028]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Pierre Giraud", 
"Country":"France", "City":"Chambéry"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [742941.93818208, 5861818.9477535]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Stéphane Brunner", 
"Country":"Switzerland", "City":"Paudex"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [736082.61064069, 5908165.4649505]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Frédéric Junod", 
"Country":"Switzerland", "City":"Montagny-près-Yverdon"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [771595.97057525, 5912284.7041793]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Cédric Moullet", 
"Country":"Switzerland", "City":"Payerne"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [744205.23922364, 5861277.319748]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Benoit Quartier", 
"Country":"Switzerland", "City":"Lutry"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [1717430.147101, 5954568.7127565]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Andreas Hocevar", 
"Country":"Austria", "City":"Graz"}},
                 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", 
"coordinates": [-12362007.067301,5729082.2365672]},
                     "properties": {"Name": "Tim Schaub", 
"Country":"United States of America", "City":"Bozeman"}}

         var reader = new OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON();

         return reader.read(features);


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