[OpenLayers-Users] Re: My SVG tags don't display in FF; VML's fine in IE

myOpenLayersUName joanne.mcgraw at SYMPATICO.CA
Wed Apr 13 16:20:18 EDT 2011

Just to close this off...

The full problem that prompted these posts was that I was trying to do
something in existing code that built an HTML string from various input and
then created an Ext.Panel and set its html property to that built string. I
was trying to figure out how I could parse these SVG things into that html
because rewriting that code with the appropriate ExtJs components, etc.
wasn't an option...far too much work.

To finally solve my problem and display the SVG legend items in FF 3, I
ended up building the Ext.Panel (that was originally just setting the html
property) as a series of separate panels and adding them to the containing
panel. So, for those parts of the code that could be built using the html
strings as they were all along, panels are created, their html property set
and that smaller sub-panel is added to the containing panel. When I hit a
legend section that needs SVG (or VML in IE), I create and build the panel
using the ExtJs and OpenLayers components and add that panel to the
containing panel. When the containing panel is rendered, the OpenLayers
renderer takes care of converting it properly so it will display in the
final page.

Not sure if I explained that clearly but hopefully it will help as a hint
for anyone else who runs into something similar.

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/My-SVG-tags-don-t-display-in-FF-VML-s-fine-in-IE-tp6251814p6270496.html
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