[OpenLayers-Users] Different renderIntents when features have different styles?

Andreas Hocevar ahocevar at opengeo.org
Fri Apr 29 04:31:34 EDT 2011


If feature.style is set, it will always take precedence over layer
styles. To achieve what you want, create a stylemap with a "default"
and a "select" renderIntent. See
http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/styles-rotation.html for an example
that does this.


On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Jeff Dege <jeff.dege at korterra.com> wrote:
> I have a map with a vector layer.
> On that layer I am drawing a number of features.
> I want those features to have different appearances, so I am setting the
> style attribute on each.
> I have a SelectControl, with which I am selecting features on the map.  I
> want the selected features to have a different appearance than the
> unselected features.  But I’m having problems with this.
> Inside Vector.drawFeature(), regardless of what renderIntent I have set on
> the feature, or what my layer’s styleMap may have, if the feature has a
> style assigned, it looks like it’s that style that is used to render the
> feature, no matter what.
> I can set a StyleMap on the vector layer, so I can have selected features
> drawn differently than unselected features, but this is ignored if I set a
> style on the feature, itself.
> Any ideas on how I can get different features to draw on the same layer,
> with different appearances, and still have their appearances change when the
> user selects one?
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Andreas Hocevar
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