[OpenLayers-Users] WMS Layer opacity, different behaviour in 2.11-RC2

Daniel Behr daniel.behr at hzg.de
Wed Aug 10 11:23:35 EDT 2011

I just gave OL 2.11RC2 a try and saw that my WMS Layers [1] which have 
set 'opacity: 0.5' look more like 0.25 now. When adding an opacity 
slider its not possible to get the layer fully opaque. Pushing the 
slider to max looks like 0.5 then...
removing the opacity option makes it fully opaque, though.

The range is still 0-1 and I cant see why this differs from 2.10 to 2.11?!

Any clues?

[1] layer def like this:
var sk2Fruehling = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Spring",
	"http://", {
	layers: "testns:SK2_Fruehling",
	transparent: true,
	format: "image/png"
	isBaseLayer: false,
	visibility: false,
	opacity: 0.5,
	singleTile: true
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht 
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