[OpenLayers-Users] Self created BING Tiles
Budschedl Harald
Harald.Budschedl at ikt.linz.at
Thu Aug 11 04:37:25 EDT 2011
Hi guys and gals!
I am currently creating my own tilecache. For this I use the WebMapTiler engine from FME, which creates the tiles in BING format. After a bit toodling around with the setting, the tiles are created for 19 zoomlevels and in 640*640 pixel size. They are at the moment still created but what I from see, they look ok.
Having such a tilecache in a directory, shall I rather use
"new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS", or
"new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ", or some BING Layer...??
I just wanted to check with you before wandering off into the wrong direction ;) ...
TIA for any hints!
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