[OpenLayers-Users] is there really no way to get the layer extent from wms layers?

Greg Allensworth gregor at greeninfo.org
Mon Aug 15 12:31:24 EDT 2011

On 8/15/2011 5:53 AM, Andreas Hocevar wrote:
> For WMS, all you get is the layer extent advertised in the
> GetCapabilities document. This is what is explained in the
 > 2nd post you linked.

Yep, Andreas is entirely right. That's how I'd do it.

Use OpenLayers' Request.GET to download the WMS server's capabilities 
document. Then use Format.XML to parse the XML and get the extent of the 

For convenience, you could store these as new attributes within the 
Layer.WMS instance:
     trafficlayer.wmsbbox = new OpenLayers.Bounds(1,2,3,4)

And call them up similarly:
     <checkbox onClick="map.zoomToExtent(trafficlayer.wmsbbox)" />

Greg Allensworth, Web GIS Developer
BS  A+  Network+  Security+  Linux+  Server+
GreenInfo Network - Information and Mapping in the Public Interest
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