[OpenLayers-Users] Open layers - Open Street Map and KML

Simon Appelt flansch at gmx.de
Tue Aug 16 02:53:13 EDT 2011

Hi Noelette,

the "problem" is not ur browser cache. Google is caching your kml too 
;). Look at:

One Solution: Add a random string behind your kml name  (like 
SimpleKml123.kml) with e.g php rand().


Am 15.08.2011 14:10, schrieb Noelette Hurley:
> It seems to have updated now. Strange.
> On 13 August 2011 18:13, <christopher.schmidt at nokia.com 
> <mailto:christopher.schmidt at nokia.com>> wrote:
>     Only shows one for me. Did you try clearing your cache?
>     -- Chris
>     On Aug 13, 2011, at 10:48 AM, ext Noelette wrote:
>     > Hi
>     > I have an openlayers OpenStreetMap displaying showing a college
>     campus. I'm
>     > trying to place markers over particular buildings so the user
>     can click and
>     > view additional information. I made a simple KML file, and
>     following the
>     > examples I get 3 simple clickable markers to display. Today I
>     tried to edit
>     > the KML file to store additional markers and I also tried to
>     extend the
>     > amount of information displayed for the existing marks
>     > The HTML file and the KML file are on a web server.
>     > I updated the KML file, I did nothing to the HTML but the
>     updates to the KML
>     > file did not display.
>     > Would anyone know why this might be? I've simplified the KML
>     file down to
>     > one place marker but it still shows the original 3 that I had
>     working
>     >
>     > Link to map
>     http://cs1.ucc.ie/~nmh2/openlayer/examples/layerUCCEx.html
>     <http://cs1.ucc.ie/%7Enmh2/openlayer/examples/layerUCCEx.html>
>     >
>     > Simplified KML file
>     >
>     >
>     > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>     > <kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.2">
>     > <Document>
>     > <Placemark>
>     > <name>Western Gateway Building</name>
>     > <description>WGB</description>
>     > <Point>
>     > <coordinates>-8.499781,51.893349,0.000000</coordinates>
>     > </Point>
>     > </Placemark>
>     > </Document>
>     > </kml>
>     >
>     > Larger KML file
>     > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>     > <kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.2">
>     > <Document>
>     > <Placemark>
>     > <name>Western Gateway Building</name>
>     > <description>WGB- Shiny and New</description>
>     > <Point>
>     > <coordinates>-8.499781,51.893349,0.000000</coordinates>
>     > </Point>
>     > </Placemark>
>     > <Placemark>
>     > <name>Quad</name>
>     > <description>UCC's Quad - Don't walk on the grass</description>
>     > <Point>
>     > <coordinates>-8.492107, 51.893905,0.000000</coordinates>
>     > </Point>
>     > </Placemark>
>     > <Placemark>
>     > <name>Boole Library</name>
>     > <description>UCC's Library</description>
>     > <Point>
>     > <coordinates>-8.491518,51.892793,0.0000000</coordinates>
>     > </Point>
>     > </Placemark>
>     > <Placemark>
>     > <name>Kane Building</name>
>     > <description>Kane Building UCC</description>
>     > <Point>
>     >               coordinates>-8.493941,51.892792,0.000000</coordinates>
>     > </Point>
>     > </Placemark>
>     > </Document>
>     > </kml>
>     >
>     > I also tried displaying an image but decided to leave that out
>     until I got
>     > the basics displaying. (not certain it can display images)
>     >
>     > Any help would be much appreciated
>     >
>     > Noelette
>     >
>     >
>     > --
>     > View this message in context:
>     http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Open-layers-Open-Street-Map-and-KML-tp6683329p6683329.html
>     > Sent from the OpenLayers Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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