[OpenLayers-Users] Double Click on Feature

ggarcia ggarcia at ihman.com
Mon Aug 22 07:29:50 EDT 2011

Hi. I read a lot on the forum about this topic but I didn't find what I'm
looking for.

Is there any simple solution to control double click on a feature (I'm using
2.11 RC2)? I mean something like "featuredblclick". I'm using "dbclick" but
it doesn't return me the feature.

    "featureselected": map_onFeatureSelect,
    "featureunselected": map_onFeatureUnselect,
    "dblclick": map_onFeaturePopup

Thx in advance!

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Double-Click-on-Feature-tp6711114p6711114.html
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