[OpenLayers-Users] I want curved and arrowheaded lines as vectors on OSM layer

Michael mdm at yachtpc.com
Fri Aug 26 01:27:15 EDT 2011

I have drawn line ends by creating a vector feature and placing on top 
of the end of the line.  Any shape you want.  It's a little more 
time-consuming, but you can rotate the arrowhead after calculating the 
slope of the last segment of the line.

Here is a snippet of code used to add a graphic to the end of the line,  
in this case a predefined circle

     var myGraf;
     myGraf = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new 
OpenLayers.Geometry.Point (coursePath.geometry.getVertices 
         graphicName: "circle"

I use getVertices to find the endpoint of the line.  If you have better 
access to that datum, it would save a few cycles.


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