[OpenLayers-Users] Re: Write text on a map

gbrun gbrun at myopera.com
Tue Aug 30 09:13:13 EDT 2011

With my GeoExt code, it looks like that (there is also something for the  
font size):

var labelForm = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
				xtype: "textarea",
				name: "label",
				value: "",
				fieldLabel: "Text "
				xtype: "combo",
				store: [10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30],
				displayField: "fontsize",
				fieldLabel: "Font size ",
				typeAhead: true,
				mode: "local",
				triggerAction: "all",
				editable: false,
			buttons: [{
				text: "Validate",
				handler: function() {
					var labelValue = labelForm.items.items[0].getValue(); //get the typed  
					var fontSize = labelForm.items.items[1].getValue(); /:get the  
selected font size
					e.feature.style = {label: labelValue, labelSelect: true, fontSize:  
fontSize}; //labelSelect allows to drag the text
					labelWindow.close(); //The labelForm is shown in an Ext.Window
					drawLayer.redraw(); //Refresh needed to apply the label

This code is inserted in a drawFeature control, on "featureAdded". The  
drag property works if you have and activate an OpenLayers control  
allowing to drag a feature on the same layer (like a dragFeature or  
modifyFeature control). In this case, you can select directly the text  
without displaying any point.

If you adapt the code for OpenLayers, it should work without GeoExt.


On Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:03:30 +0200, Tobias Reinicke <ramotswa at gmail.com>  

> Any chance you could share your code / show an example? would be
> interested to see the dragging functionality.
> THanks,
> Toby
> On 30 August 2011 13:39, gbrun <gbrun at myopera.com> wrote:
>> Thanks! That's just what I have done! It works great! But I didn't use  
>> the
>> attributes property: I don't need to save the label text in a database.  
>> I
>> store the written text directly inside the 'label' property. It's also
>> useful to add a 'labelSelect' property with 'true' to drag the text once
>> written. It could be interesting to create an OpenLayers example about  
>> this.
>> It is a very simple tip, but quite useful.
>> PS: it works also with GeoExt and a FormPanel to write the text.
>> Geoffrey
>> On Tue, 30 Aug 2011 13:50:38 +0200, Frost89  
>> <kristian_frost7 at hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Try adding a drawfeature control, that prompts for a text and sets it  
>>> as
>>> the
>>> label. Should be something like this this:
>>> var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
>>>  layer,
>>>  OpenLayers.Handler.Point, {
>>>    featureAdded: function(feature) {
>>>      feature.attributes.text = prompt('Write here:', '');
>>>      feature.style.label = feature.attributes.text;
>>>      feature.layer.drawFeature(feature);
>>>    }
>>>  }
>>> );
>>> -----
>>> Best regards,
>>> Kristian Frost
>>> Webintegrator
>>> Orbicon Informatik
>>> --
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