[OpenLayers-Users] Re: adding KML file

vrbikdan vrbikdan at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 04:35:50 EST 2011

Phil Scadden <p.scadden at ...> writes:

> So why is it KML at all? If this application has to be a web application 
> (and it sounds from earlier comments that perhaps it is actually meant 
> best as a local desktop), then you have to beat the problem of 
> minimising data transfer. Using a WMS server and converting the kml data 
> into a vector source that is mapping the WMS and queried by WFS is 
> better way to go. Geoserver (Opensource WMS and WFS server) can also 
> create KML on the fly from vector sources, appropriate to scale, for use 
> with google Earth if you want this as well.

I chose kml because I thought that this is the easiest solution :). I try to 
describe this work. Topic of my diploma thesis is making interaktiv tourist 
map of one region in the Czech Republic. It should be in web interface and be 
placed into XHTML pages. So my thaugt was, that I could use OpenLayers, as first 
base layer use Google maps and than I have GeoTiff of chosen region as second 
base layer. Than I have some POI as restaurants, natural interesting places and 
so on. Next layers are walking and cycling routes. So the easiest solution I 
thought that could be was transform all data to kml and fetched to OpenLayers. 
It is the reason, why I'm using kml. Using WMS, WFS is better way how to 
figure it out all, I think, but I think this I should describe in theoretical 
part of thesis.

In the first plan was, that this will be web application but placed only on CD 
as attachment of diploma thesis, so only thing downloading from internet should 
be google maps. In this case it wasn't problem with size of kml files. But now, 
when I had to placed all files to server is different situation. The other 
problem is, that some data I can't use for public, it are only for me and it 
should be only in two copies :(

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