[OpenLayers-Users] WMS-layer moved to the north

Dennis Hesse BAW baw at dennishesse.de
Mon Jul 18 09:30:00 EDT 2011

Hi list,

I've got a strange problem.
I'm just starting with Openlayers, and try to add a WMS-layer to
Openlayers as an overlay.
When I open the map, which is located at
zork66.de/openlayers/sostest.html, both overlays are moved to the
north a bit. What is strange to me is that when I zoom in some steps
the overlays fit to the OSM map and the Bing sattelite image.

Can anyone help me with it?


Dennis Hesse
Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Dienststelle Hamburg
Wedeler Landstraße 157 22559 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 81908-0 E-mail: baw at dennishesse.de
Webseiten: BAW  || MDI-DE

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