[OpenLayers-Users] Re: Marker Problem when having too much data : Help

Greg Allensworth gregor at greeninfo.org
Tue Jul 19 18:03:37 EDT 2011

> But the problem is i'm nooby to
> OpenLayers (started coding a week back). Could you please provide me with
> any relevant examples for using the "pagination of the points"

Sorry, I don't have any such examples offhand. But, the solution I 
suggest isn't centered on OpenLayers, but general JavaScript.

* Set up your search service (the URL that returns JSON) to accept a 
parameter indicating which results it should send. For instance, have it 
accept a &page= parameter which tells it to output records 1-99, 
100-199, 200-299, and so on. This is the real catch: if you don't 
control that search/JSON thing, you may be out of luck here. Make sure 
this step is working first.

* Make a variable that stores what "page" you're showing, and some 
buttons to change that value.

   var page = 1;
   function nextPage() { page += 1; layer.refresh(); }
   function prevPage() { page -= 1; layer.refresh(); }

   <input type="button" value="" onClick="nextPage()" />
   <input type="button" value="" onClick="prevPage()" />

* Have your JSON loader specify this page number:
     url: "/path/to/json/search.php",
     params: { page:page }

   So it would make URLs like this:

And there you should go, a client that asks for only 100 records at a 
time but can tell the server which "page" it wants, and a server smart 
enough to do that.

Greg Allensworth
Web GIS Developer, GreenInfo Network
BS  A+  Network+  Security+  Linux+  Server+

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