[OpenLayers-Users] WMS-Layer from Remote Server: MergeNewParams SLD

Morper-Busch, Lucia Lucia.Morper-Busch at sbg.ac.at
Mon Jun 6 08:57:54 EDT 2011

Hello OpenLayers Users!

How can I apply my sld-File to a WMS-Layer from a Remote Server?


var testRemoteLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("test_Remote", 

"http://RemoteServer:8080/geoserver/thermotest/wms", {

                               layers: namespace + ":test_area",

                               transparent: true,

                               format: 'image/png'

                }, {

                               singleTile: false,

                               isBaseLayer: false,

                               visibility: false






It works for the Layers on my Server, but not with Remote Servers. I
don't want to send SLD-Files via Email to the WMS providing partners.


Error: Connection timed out


Thanks for suggestions



Dipl.-Geogr. Lucia Morper-Busch | Researcher

University of Salzburg | Centre for Geoinformatics - Z_GIS

Schillerstr.30 | Techno-Z, Block 15, 3rd floor | 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Phone +43 (0)662 8044 5298 | Fax +43 (0)662 8044 5260

> Z_GIS...experts for the spatial view <http://www.zgis.at/research> 


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