[OpenLayers-Users] Re: Why WFS Layer Displayed very slowely over Google Map

Charles Galpin cgalpin at lhsw.com
Fri Mar 4 10:31:32 EST 2011

You will need to write some custom code for this on the server side. Make an ajax call to the server with the user input and have the server return the info you want, or feature ids that you can then use a GetFeature call with.  If you are using geroserver for example you can do some magic with sql views and parameters to achieve this if you don't have an easy way to write the server side piece.

The speed problem you are running into with vectors cannot be avoided. You simply can't load and render that many on the client side with nice performance. So one last time - the vector approach will not work. Short fast calls to the server side will though.


On Mar 4, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Mustafa646 wrote:

> As i understand that you mentioned, I have to draw WMS Layer and then under
> click enent, call WFS to get features. I visited following example which
> uses WMS and WFS:
> http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/getfeature-wfs.html
> In the above example, GetFeature method is used to get vector features for
> locations underneath the mouse cursor. And Can be configured to act on
> click, hover. 
> But, In my case, I have a Button and Textbox. The user puts some value in
> textbox and press the button, Under Button click event, Textbox value needs
> to compare with specific column value  of all the features (3500 features)
> in loop. And finally, one feature will be selected based on comparision. 
> so, for this reason, i need all the features displayed over google map
> before performing the above action.
> Now, Please guide me How I can draw Vector Layer fastly. OR is there any
> other way to solve this problem. 

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