[OpenLayers-Users] embed OpenLayers map in Flash?

Alessandro Ferrucci alessandroferrucci at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 03:37:42 EST 2011

I *totally *agree with your statements...

and I am not about to embed OpenLayers in a flash component myself for
production use..

I am, however, still interested in my question from a technology standpoint
and just plain curiosity.

Thank you,

Alessandro Ferrucci

On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 3:20 AM, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>wrote:

>  Hi,
> I personally stay away from Flash and hope that the OpenLayers project
> does, too.
> Flash requires a plugin. Many government organizations, including my own
> employer, do not install browser plugins - however, they have modern
> browsers installed. The claim that Adobe Flash has an install base of >90%
> is simply wrong, esp. with mobile devices. Flash remains a black box (binary
> format), with bad integration in the browser. Most of the browser crashes,
> and sometimes also operating system crashes, can be tracked back to Flash.
> Flash had always bad support on the Linux platform, especially on 64bit.
> Many mobile devices do not support flash for obvious reasons. There are
> signs that the Flash install base will erode away during the coming years.
> On the other hand native graphics support in browsers (SVG, Canvas, WebGL,
> CSS) and other app-support (web storage, HTML5 forms, better javascript
> performance, etc.) is improving continuously, as a native browser
> technology.
> Flash is also in control of a single company that has profit maximization
> and monopoly as its goal, not the prosperity of the web ecosystem.
> All these arguments that OpenLayers should not support the Flash platform,
> in my opinion.
> Andreas
> On 3/12/11 12:54 AM, Alessandro Ferrucci wrote:
> Hello,
> i stumbled upon this website.
> http://peoplesmap.com/Map.aspx
> the map component is a flash component but I see that in the source code
> they do create an OpenLayers map... not sure if the openlayers map is
> embedded in the flash component though...
> is that what they are doing here?
> if not, does anyone know if it's possible to embed an OpenLayers map in
> flash (or flex) and have flash interact with the javascript in OpenLayers
> through ExternalInterface or something?
> Thank you
> --
> Signed,
> Alessandro Ferrucci
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Alessandro Ferrucci
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