[OpenLayers-Users] Greetings
Alessandro Ferrucci
alessandroferrucci at gmail.com
Tue May 24 11:38:36 EDT 2011
Hello Harald,
You can perform what you've said by giving an ID ('select') to your select
box in the HTML and changing
there may be other cross-browser funkiness to get this to work exactly as
you want but that's the gist of it.
Hope this helps,
Alessandro Ferrucci
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 6:57 AM, Budschedl Harald <
Harald.Budschedl at ikt.linz.at> wrote:
> Hey Mark!
> Thanks alot. If I understand this right, the Select box is being created by
> your example. But it’s a good lead anyway.
> Now I just have to find a way to change this, so an existing selectbox is
> filled J
> Cya,
> H.
> *Von:* openlayers-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:
> openlayers-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] *Im Auftrag von *Marc Jansen
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011 12:46
> *An:* openlayers-users at lists.osgeo.org
> *Betreff:* Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Greetings
> On 24.05.2011 11:31, Budschedl Harald wrote:
> Hi there
> Hi Harry,
> I am new to the mailinglist and wanted to shout a quick „Hello world“ into
> the room J
> welcome to the mailinglist :-)
> I am currently working forthe IKT Linz Gmbh, a company which provides IT
> services for the Magistrate and the Companies of the City of Linz. We
> started with GIS Systems as early as 1987 and I am in that field of work
> since 1991.
> Lately I had more and more „brushes“ with the OpenLayers theme and became
> interested. I am not much of a programmer anymore (I released my last real
> program about 10 years ago), but did recently start to sniff into JavaScript
> a bit… ;)
> I also was at the last FOSSGIS in Germany, where I had the opportunity to
> attend an ol-workshop, which was very good but too short…
> ATM I am fiddling around with an OpenLayers page that displays our data
> and just cracking my head on an „Adress Search“-function that utilizes a
> selfmade Webservice (which deliveres GeoJSON) using AJAX.I just have to find
> out how to cram the contents of my JSON Object into the options of my
> selectbox – if possible without having to dig into things like jquery… I
> like the „K.I.S.S“ motto and really want to keep it simple and stupid.
> You could iterate over the GeoJSON-object and do sth. like:
> var s = document.createElement('select');
> s.id='sel';
> var o1 = document.createElement('option')
> var o2 = document.createElement('option')
> o1.text = "Opt 1";
> o2.text = "Opt 2";
> s.appendChild(o1);
> s.appendChild(o2);
> document.body.appendChild(s); // untested
> but any of the JavaScript-libraries out there will make this task easier
> and more-likely to work cross-browser.
> Regards,
> Marc
> Ok, so much for my, myself and my experiments J
> Cya on the list!
> Harry
> Freundliche Grüße/Regards
> *Harald Budschedl*
> Geodaten Management (Geo)
> Productmanager, Projectmanager, Consultant
> IKT Linz GmbH
> Ein Unternehmen der Stadt Linz
> 4040 Linz, Hauptstraße 1-5
> Tel. +43 732 7070 4787
> Fax +43 732 7070 54 4787
> visit www.linz.at/ikt
> mailto: harald.budschedl at ikt.linz.at <gerhard.schoeller at ikt.linz.at>
> ------------------------------
> Diese Nachricht inklusive aller Anhänge kann vertrauliche Informationen
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> http://www.linz.at/images/AGB_egov_2008.pdf )
> IKT Linz GmbH, Firmenbuch des Landesgerichtes Linz ++ Firmenbuch-Nummer:
> 321197z ++ UID-Nummer: ATU64636344
> IKT Linz Infrastruktur GmbH, Firmenbuch des Landesgerichtes Linz ++
> Firmenbuch-Nummer: 321990s ++ UID-Nummer: ATU64664303
> A-4020 Linz, Gruberstraße 42, Tel. +43 732 7070 0, Fax: +43 732 7070 54
> 1555, office at ikt.linz.at, www.linz.at/ikt
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> Diese Nachricht inklusive aller Anhänge kann vertrauliche Informationen
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> Regelungen zur elektronischen Kommunikation mit der Stadt Linz finden Sie in
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> E-Government der Stadt Linz (e-linz)" (
> http://www.linz.at/images/AGB_egov_2008.pdf )
> IKT Linz GmbH, Firmenbuch des Landesgerichtes Linz ++ Firmenbuch-Nummer:
> 321197z ++ UID-Nummer: ATU64636344
> IKT Linz Infrastruktur GmbH, Firmenbuch des Landesgerichtes Linz ++
> Firmenbuch-Nummer: 321990s ++ UID-Nummer: ATU64664303
> A-4020 Linz, Gruberstraße 42, Tel. +43 732 7070 0, Fax: +43 732 7070 54
> 1555, office at ikt.linz.at, www.linz.at/ikt
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Alessandro Ferrucci
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