[OpenLayers-Users] page resize breaks map?

S2 s2.akira at tin.it
Mon May 30 05:16:57 EDT 2011


     map = new OpenLayers.Map (el, {
             new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(),
             new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar(),
             new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher(),
             new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution()],
         units: 'km',
         size: new OpenLayers.Size({w: 512, h: 320})
     } );

too, but the map still breaks... :(

On 30.05.2011 11.01, S2 wrote:
> On 30.05.2011 10.45, jrom wrote:
>> I quickly look at your code.
> thanks :)
>> Apparently you do not specify a height/width for your map container.
> the width/height of the div containing the map is set in custom.css on
> the .openlayermap class (line 25).
> .openlayermap {
> width: 512px;
> height: 320px;
> margin-bottom: 10px;
> }
> i tried to set it on the div directly with
> <div class="openlayermap" id="olmapid82" style="width: 512px; height:
> 320px;">
> but no difference.
> thanks,
> Simon
>> Perhaps you should try to force these values with something in pixels.
>> It's a nasty solution but you should give it a try to see if it works
>> Jerome
>> On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 10:19 AM, S2<s2.akira at tin.it> wrote:
>>> Hi Jerome,
>>> thanks for taking the time to answer.
>>> I tried
>>> line 541 of
>>> http://s2.31337.it/
>>> elm.data('olmap').updateSize();
>>> but it seems to have no effect.
>>> On 30.05.2011 9.52, jrom wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Perhaps you should try a map.updateSize() after content gets loaded.
>>>> It will force a map repaint
>>>> Jerome
>>>> On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 9:17 AM, S2<s2.akira at tin.it> wrote:
>>>>> hello all!
>>>>> on http://s2.31337.it/ i have some openlayers maps. the page uses ∞
>>>>> scroll,
>>>>> so that when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page, older
>>>>> posts are
>>>>> loaded automatically.
>>>>> when this happens the map breaks (the pictures in the map get somehow
>>>>> resized to a wrong size). you can try this yourself simply by
>>>>> scrolling
>>>>> to
>>>>> the bottom of the page, let the js load some more posts, and then
>>>>> scroll
>>>>> back up.
>>>>> can i somehow force the map to repaint itself? (i could do that
>>>>> when new
>>>>> content gets loaded).
>>>>> i tested this with ff4 and ie 8.
>>>>> thanks.
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