[OpenLayers-Users] Inserting a vector feature with attributes

Dave Potts dave.potts at pinan.co.uk
Sat Nov 5 14:37:34 EDT 2011


I working with openlayers application connect via geoserver to a postgis

I have created a vector featore object, set several attributes, set the
status to INSERT and invoked a save stratgy.

This has the result that  a object is create in the postgis database with
the correct geometry, but all of the attribute information is ignored.

Q. Is it possible to do an insert with attributes?

The code from Format/WFST/v1.js at line 309  reads
 "Insert": function(obj) {

                var feature = obj.feature;
                var options = obj.options;
                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("wfs:Insert", {
                    attributes: {
                        handle: options && options.handle
                this.srsName = this.getSrsName(feature);
                this.writeNode("feature:_typeName", feature, node);
                return node;
Which looks like its getting its attribute information from options
object, is this correct?
I thought it would get its innfromation from the this.attribute object!



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