[OpenLayers-Users] Zoom-in

S Coetzer geotech.sarel at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 15:12:55 EST 2011

Good day

I ran into some trouble with zoom-in or extents using EPSG:4326
I'm using a building-layer in openlayers. I have extracted each building's
EXTENT into a file which I then use to populate the boundbox in openlayer,
I'm trying to display the a specific building in openlayers using the
defined extents and I can't get the required depth of zoom.

I found that I could only zoom-in to a certain level, this is not the
required level, I need to zoom-in more so the entire building centers on
the page.

I am using mapserver to pushout WMS into openlayers.

Here is an example of an extent of a building:
39.188112, -6.165252, 39.188305, -6.165057

Your help will be great.

Sarel Coetzer
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