[OpenLayers-Users] GeoExt.grid.featureSelectionModel problem

Brad Spencer brad at numaps.com.au
Wed Nov 9 17:34:50 EST 2011



I have built an app that allows a user to select a JSON/KML file from a
server-side directory list and load as a markup layer. The app successfully
display any attributes in an Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel object and I have
instigated GeoExt.grid.FeatureSelectionModel such that the user can select a
map feature and edit any of its attributes inside the grid. All is well
there; however, when the user enters a new geometry feature by digitizing a
point, line or polygon the map is updated just fine and a new row is added
at the bottom of the grid with empty attribute values. I want the user to
know that they must enter attribute values by setting to the  focus of the
grid on the new record and making sure that the new record is at the top of
the grid.


My questions...


Is there any way I can make the digitized feature go into the 0 row element
of the grid? 

Or, after adding the new feature how can I set the focus on this new row? 


Any help is appreciated.


Cheers, Brad....

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