[OpenLayers-Users] SetCenter

Toby Reinicke ramotswa at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 10:17:23 EST 2011

Hi Ricardo,

No I think that makes sense. A solution would be to 
A: get the pixel from the new center
B: add maybe 20 (or however much your left panel is big) to the x value so the center is moved further right.
C: then recenter using get lonlatfrompixel.

One big warning about this (and using pixels in general); this will all break when you use a screen with a different resolution. 


On 22 Nov 2011, at 14:48, Ricardo Bayley <ricardo.bayley at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I have 2 divs. One is a panel and the other is the map.
> The panel slides to the left of my screen and gets hidden. So the map occupies the entire screen width.
> If both divs are position one next to the other, every time the panel slides (opening & closing) map div gets resized. 
> Since I dont like the effect it causes I made by div panel to lay on top of the map and not next to it. So every time the panel gets hidden or shown, map doesnt change at all.
> This comes with a cost. When I do => map.setCenter(x,y) I would like to have it centered to the "visible center" of the map.
> So when the panel is visible, the center should be shifted to x pixels to the right.
> So basically, what I am  looking for is to shift coords xpixels to the right.
> Ideally it should work to with zoomToExtent.
> Is it confusing ? How should I do this ?
> warm regards.
> Ricardo
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