[OpenLayers-Users] Error message using mapfish print

Robert Buckley robertdbuckley at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 23 06:34:43 EST 2011


Thanks for the reply.

By origin you mean the Gridset?

If the origin is wrong, why are the layers loaded fine in openlayers?



 Von: Jana Golinowski <jgolinowski at codematix.de>
An: users at openlayers.org 
Gesendet: 12:31 Mittwoch, 23.November 2011
Betreff: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Error message using mapfish print
> When I export a map which has layers coming from gwc I always get this error in
> the pdf file
> the gwc layers are displayed fine in openlayers.
> java.io.IOException: Error (status=400) while reading the image from
> http://maps.zgb.de/geoserver/gwc/service/wms?
> BBOX=1120223.6%2C6737442.5%2C1125190.8%2C6744216.0&HEIGHT=625&WIDTH=458&
> TRANSPARENT=true&map_resolution=75&VERSION=1.1.1&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&SERVICE=WMS&
> PROJECTION=EPSG%3A4326&format_options=dpi%3A75&LAYERS=zgb%3Atk50&REQUEST=GetMap&
> STYLES=&SINGLETILE=true&SRS=EPSG%3A900913: Bad Request
> Could anyone shed any light on this?

Did you open that url in a browser? I get this error message:

"X,Y values for the tile index were calculated to be {4324.992337158024, 
5473.245314723597} which had to be rounded to {4325, 5473} and exceeds the 
threshold of 10%. Perhaps the client is using the wrong origin ?"

Greetings, Jana.
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