[OpenLayers-Users] How to remove scaleline from print view

Peter Peterse peter at peterse-uithuizen.com
Wed Nov 23 07:13:04 EST 2011

I would change the attributions in css ".olControlScaleLine" in the file


> Hi,
> In my application  ( http://maps.zgb.de/ertragspotential/ ) I have a
> scaleline positioned bottom right in the map. 
> I have a print button (top left ) which outputs the map div into a print
> window comprising of a html table.The problem is that the print window
> shows the scale text  positioned top left without the scale line.
> I would either like to position the scale text with the scalebar together
> in the bottom right, or not at all. The problem is that I can´t find out
> how to reference the css which grabs the scale textbar.
> any help much appreciated.
> yours,
> Rob_______________________________________________
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