[OpenLayers-Users] How can I fix it so that touch screens don't trap on the single left mouse click so that the geospatial query for metadata against our database is done?

John Mitchell mitchelljj98 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 23:33:05 EDT 2011

I just upgraded from openlayers 2.8 to openlayers 2.11 mainly for the touch
screen support.
Within our web application we trap for a single left mouse click and use the
click location to run a geospatial query for metadata against our database.

After upgrading from 2.8 to 2.11 it works fine running on a PC but on an
ipad when a single left mouse click is done it no longer runs a geospatial
query for metadata against our database.

How can I fix it so that touch screens don't trap on the single left mouse
click so that the geospatial query for metadata against our database is



John J. Mitchell
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