[OpenLayers-Users] SLD question: Syntax strategy for using two attributes to style a point

John Brisbin boabinteractive at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 19:29:20 EDT 2011

Howdy all,

We're just getting our SLD skills up to the "dummies" stage and would 
appreciate a quick clue.

What we want to do is use two different colums from our shapefile as 
values for styling a point, like this:

  * Orchard_type > 10 classes; used to define the point *colour*
  * Orchard_size > values from 100 - 10,000; used to define the point

I've been through a stack of cookbooks and how-tos, but have not found a 
recipe for this sort of nested (?) or inherited (?) styling...is this 
simply not supported or have I missed an obvious solution?

Thanks in advance,


John Brisbin
Managing Director, BoaB interactive Pty Ltd
POB 802 Townsville, QLD 4810

M: 0407 471 565 | P: 07 3103 0574
Skype: boabjohn | Twitter: @boabjohn

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