[OpenLayers-Users] Geowebcache in openlayers problem

Robert Buckley robertdbuckley at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 27 08:44:57 EDT 2011

This is a follow up of my previous attempt to understand how to use geowebcache(gwc) and use openlayers to visualize data.

I have been having problems with gwc and EPSG:900913 in openlayers. I want to serve raster data over googlemaps, but cannot get geowebcache to work together with openlayers in EPSG:900913

As a test, I have set up test layer called wgs84Point which is a postgis layer with 3 points digitized in wgs84(EPSG:4326). I have fed it into geoserver and have build two clients to visualize the points. One of the clients has a map set up in wgs84 (EPSG:4326), the other identical map with Google (EPSG:900913).



Both maps contain the wms version of the points layer and also the geowebcache version.

As can be seen, the WGS84 EPSG:4326 version lines both the wms and geowebcache points perfectly.

from the geowebcache demo page in geoserver I can view the layer in both 900913 and 4326

here is one tile in EPSG:900913

and the same point is EPSG:4326

My Geoserver logs are giving me this...

2011-10-27 14:39:21,406 ERROR [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - X,Y values for the tile index were calculated to be {1081.4697265626, 1380.0979003904074}  which had to be rounded to {1081, 1380}  and exceeds the threshold of 10%. Perhaps the client is using the wrong origin ? http://maps.zgb.de/geoserver/gwc/service/wms

which corresponds to the firebug output for the pink tiles..400: X,Y values for the tile index were calculated to be {1081.4697265626, 1376.0979003905672} which had to be rounded to {1081, 1376} and exceeds the threshold of 10%. Perhaps the client is using the wrong origin ?

So I really don´t know where to look for solutions.

Any help is most welcome


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