the labels of polygon display at wrong placement, Why?
jiyee.sheng at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 07:22:46 EDT 2011
In my application, i wanna to label the polygon geometry, i use vector - WFS
protocal, but it display at wrong placement.
I have debugged this problem through the whole afternoon, it didn't have any
but in WMS protocal using the geoserver customed style, it works well.
I console.log(location.x + ", " + location.y); at the Renderer.js before
this.drawText(feature.id, style, location);
and I Query the PostGIS table using SELECT st_astext(centroid(the_geom))
beyond compare, i find out the coordinate didn't display at the same bbox.
this is the two txt files including the coords.
http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/file/n6947791/txt1.txt txt1.txt
http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/file/n6947791/txt1.txt txt1.txt
So, I wonder this is the postgis problems while i import the shapefile into
the imported Polygons use EPSG:2363, the shapefile placed belows:
http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/file/n6947791/data.zip data.zip
Thanks for any help...
View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/the-labels-of-polygon-display-at-wrong-placement-Why-tp6947791p6947791.html
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