[OpenLayers-Users] openlayers and charts

J.Alejandro Martinez Linares islanis at infomed.sld.cu
Thu Aug 2 00:29:24 PDT 2012

Hi people i am trying get a popup with a barchart and finally i made it 
but i dont know how to customize de bars of my chart , for example i 
want to change the green color of the bars that comes by default, and i 
want to put a red border color of the longest bar and a blue border 
color of the smallest bar, but i dont know how to made it, help please i 
have not internet, this code is the code that actually a have to show 
the popup when i click the map, and show a popup with a statical data in 
a year in a form of chart, and it work, but i need customize the chart 
thanks for all.

wmsFeatureInfo = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
      autoActivate : true,
      infoFormat : "application/vnd.ogc.gml",
      maxFeatures : 1,
      eventListeners : {
           "getfeatureinfo" : function(e) {
                  var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
                     fields: ['mes', 'valor'],
             data: [
                 {mes: "Enero", valor: e.features[0].attributes.dni01 },
                 {mes: "Febrero", valor: e.features[0].attributes.dni02 },
                 {mes: "Marzo", valor: e.features[0].attributes.dni03 },
                 {mes: "Abril", valor: e.features[0].attributes.dni04 },
                 {mes: "Mayo", valor: e.features[0].attributes.dni05 },
                 {mes: "Junio", valor: e.features[0].attributes.dni06 },
                 {mes: "Julio", valor: e.features[0].attributes.dni07 },
                 {mes: "Agosto", valor: e.features[0].attributes.dni08 },
                 {mes: "Septiembre", valor: 
e.features[0].attributes.dni09 },
                 {mes: "Octubre", valor: e.features[0].attributes.dni10 },
                 {mes: "Noviembre", valor: 
e.features[0].attributes.dni11 },
                 {mes: "Diciembre", valor: e.features[0].attributes.dni12 }
                var items1 = [];

                var paneChar = new Ext.Panel({
                 title: 'Lon: '+e.features[0].attributes.lon+' Lat: 
                 items: new Ext.chart.BarChart({
                         store: store,
                         yField: 'mes',
                         xField: 'valor',
                         chartStyle: {
                             xAxis: {
                                 labelRotation: 45
                                 display: 'bottom',
                                 padding: 5,
                                     family: 'Tahoma',
                                     size: 13

                             dataTip: {
                     padding: 5,
                     border: {
                         color: 0x99bbe8,
                     background: {
                         color: 0xDAE7F6,
                         alpha: .4
                     font: {
                         name: 'Tahoma',
                         color: 0x15428B,
                         size: 10,
                         bold: true

                     majorTicks: {color: '#F4710F', length: 
                     minorTicks: {color: '#F4710F', length: 2},

                         style: {
                             mode: 'stretch',

                 paneChar.add(new Ext.form.Label({
                 text:"Latitud = "+e.features[0].attributes.lat

                 paneChar.add(new Ext.form.Label({
                 text:"Longitud = "+e.features[0].attributes.lon

                new GeoExt.Popup({
                     title : "Potencial Solar",
                     width : 260,
                     height : 360,
                     layout : "accordion",
                     map : mapPanel,
                     location : e.xy,
                     items : paneChar


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