[OpenLayers-Users] Can not Extract KML Attribute

Arnd Wippermann arnd.wippermann at web.de
Sat Dec 1 07:58:05 PST 2012

It seems, that the propertyStyles for label have to be set.
something like this:
pois["styleMap"]["styles"]["default"]["propertyStyles"] = {"label":true};



Von: openlayers-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:openlayers-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Im Auftrag von
reinaldo at geodesign.com.br
Gesendet: Freitag, 30. November 2012 13:38
An: openlayers-users at lists.osgeo.org
Betreff: [OpenLayers-Users] Can not Extract KML Attribute

OL Users,

Could some one please help?

I can not extract attributes in a KML file. Here is my KML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
         <Schema name="ba_uf" id="ba_ufID">
            <SimpleField type="string" name="ID"></SimpleField>
            <SimpleField type="string" name="Regiao"></SimpleField>
            <SimpleField type="string" name="State"></SimpleField>
            <SimpleField type="float" name="Area"></SimpleField>
               <SchemaData schemaUrl="#ba_ufID">
                  <SimpleData name="ID">2909901</SimpleData>
                  <SimpleData name="Regiao">Nordeste></SimpleData>
                  <SimpleData name="State">BAHIA></SimpleData>
                  <SimpleData name="Area">0</SimpleData>

This what I am using to extract and style the attributes:

        new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("ESTADO DA BAHIA", {
            strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
            protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
                url: "kml/ba_uf_900913a.kml",
                format: new OpenLayers.Format.KML({
                   extractStyles: false, 
                   extractAttributes: true,
                   srsName: "EPSG:900913"
                style: {
                  fillColor: "#ffffff",
                  fillOpacity: 0,
                  strokeWidth: 1, 
                  strokeColor: "#0000ff", 
                  strokeOpacity: 1,
                  label: "${State}",
                  fontColor: "#ffffff",
                  fontFamily: "sans-serif",
                  fontSize: "15px",
                  fontWeight: "bold"

I want the attribute for State to be rendered on the map, but I only get
${State} rendered.

I've tried additng <value></value> and label: "${State}" or label:
"${State.value}" . I get either ${State} or ${State.value} rendered on the
map, but never the actual attribute, which is BAHIA.

I just can´t get it to work. Could someone help please?

Thanks a lot in advance.



Reinaldo Escada Chohfi
Sócio Gerente
GeoDesign Internacional
Tel./Fax: (12) 3153-5115
Inteligência e Tecnologia Espacial de Ponta

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