[OpenLayers-Users] Filter features in multiple geographical areas?

Tondo gpktondo at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 02:52:08 PST 2012


...true + there is always possibility to use non-transparent proxy and cache
results. Truth be told, I'm working on something similar:
User can choose wheter to use pre-defined geometries (intersction result is
always one of few cases -> can be cached) or draw custom geometry (so I have
to send an AJAX request; params: type of geometry - DrawControl.Hander,
coordinates - feature.geometry.getVerticies() and name of requested layer -
can not be cached) and see the result. I dont have any options to use
spatial database, so I'm forced to use WFS. Any XML-based data = very slow
(produce huge blocking time). My solution was to write proxy that konverts
GML to GeoJSON. Response time depends on your SW/HW configuration (4CPUs,
4GB RAM (virtual) - requests 20000 of vetricies intersection = aprox. 10sec
waiting for response, 1sec loading GeoJSON file, 0.75sec parse time)


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/Filter-features-in-multiple-geographical-areas-tp5021902p5022714.html
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