[OpenLayers-Users] Rich symbolization of vector layers

Cyril Dejonghe cyril.dejonghe at free.fr
Mon Jan 30 09:41:45 EST 2012

Oops sorry Michal. my answer has to be a new topic.
Arf !

2012/1/30 Michał Drożdż <michufoc at wp.pl>:
> Hi list!
> How to achive rich vector symbolization? I mean symbols with diagonal
> stripes like:
> http://www.geostrona.pl/_temp/mieszk_usl.png
> I tryed SLD but OL seems not to recognize files created by AtlasStyler-1.7.
> OL SLD example shows just simple symbolization (fill and stroke).
> Thanks for help!
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Cyril Dejonghe.

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