[OpenLayers-Users] Optimization of raster WMS layers

jdmorgan jdmorgan at unca.edu
Tue Jul 10 04:55:46 PDT 2012


I am following up on this posting as i am still having this issue.  I 
was it is possible to speed up openlayers without using a tileCache.My 
test page is only working with three layers and yet it is fairly slow 
compared to loading the same data through a Flex viewer (that also 
doesn't use a cache).I am sure it is just a matter of a config parameter 
I am not setting correction. Here is my js when loading the layer:

     var streetMap = new OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest(
         'ESRI Streets',

         {layers: 'show:0'},

     var stateMap = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
         {layers: 'states', transparent: true},
             isBaseLayer: false,
             transitionEffect: 'resize'

     var bigRasterLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
         {layers: 'CONUSRasterData', transparent: true},
             isBaseLayer: false,
             transitionEffect: 'resize',
             buffer: 0

     mainMap.addLayers([streetMap, stateMap, bigRasterLayer]);
     mainMap.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(-98.0859375, 
39.095962936305476), 5);
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