[OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers 2.12 Baselayer Bing and overlays

Norbert Renner Norbert.Renner at gmx.de
Tue Jul 10 12:58:40 PDT 2012

This could be because of an incorrect maxResolution map option [1]. You 
can simply remove maxExtent, maxResolutions and units from your map 
options, as they are now set by default.



Am 08.07.2012 21:16, schrieb Olivier s:
> I have problems to show tiles overlays over Bing Baselayer with the new
> OpenLayers 2.12 .
> Example with problem:
> http://www.gemedeplace.net/MonOsm.html?zoom=13&lat=46.16158&lon=6.17117&layers=0000B0TFFFFFFF&full
> I don't see the overlays
> With google aerial it works fine:
> http://www.gemedeplace.net/MonOsm.html?zoom=14&lat=46.16158&lon=6.17117&layers=00000BTFFFFFFF&full
> With Bing and vector layer it works also fine:
> http://www.gemedeplace.net/MonOsm.html?zoom=13&lat=46.13595&lon=6.11057&layers=0000B0FFFFFFFT
> Have someone the same problem or an idea to correct the problem?
> Olivier
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