[OpenLayers-Users] [Geoserver-users] Using Geoserver WFS across domains

uk52rob uk52rob at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jul 19 04:47:55 PDT 2012

Hi Roger,

Thanks for your configuration, I swapped this with my existing re-write rule and it works a charm.

Interestingly though, it will not pick up https://test.domain.com:443/geoserver/options.png, whereas http://test.domain.com:8080/geoserver/options.png works fine. As images are not an issue here, I have left the image sources referencing the geoserver directly.

Now this is sorted, I am still having difficulties with WFS. If I open the following in a web browser, I get the 'GetCapabilities' XML:

However, I have been unable to load a WFS layer via OpenLayers. The current script is:

var GEOSERVER_HOST = 'https://username:password@test.domain.com';
                var GEOSERVER_PORT = '443';
                testLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Test Layer", {
                strategies : [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
                protocol : new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
                version : "1.1.0",
                url : GEOSERVER_HOST + ":" + GEOSERVER_PORT + "/geoserver/TestWorkspaceURI/wfs", 
                featurePrefix : "TestWorkspace",
                featureType : "TestLayer",
                srsName : "EPSG:27700"

I have tried various variations of URIs and layer names, but none appear on the map. Nothing is displayed in the Google Chrome console, either.

If I log into the geoserver and click on 'OpenLayers' under 'Layer Preview' on TestLayer, the sample map displays fine, but interestingly it requests a WMS service to display a vector feature?!

Are you able to give me a pointer as to where I am going wrong here? The WMS background layers via the same server work fine.

Many thanks,


 From: Roger Bedell <sylvanascent at gmail.com>
To: uk52rob <uk52rob at yahoo.co.uk> 
Cc: "Geoserver-users at lists.sourceforge.net" <Geoserver-users at lists.sourceforge.net> 
Sent: Monday, 16 July 2012, 2:15
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Using Geoserver WFS across domains

Hi Rob,
We have almost the same configuration (not 443 though), and IIS7 URL Rewrite works very well, much simpler than the Tomcat redirector. However, it wasn't clear in the IIS documentation that you need to install more than just URL Rewrite, particularly you need the ARR: http://www.iis.net/download/ApplicationRequestRouting

Once I installed that, (and enabled the ARR Proxy) I used the following rule:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <rule name="GeoServer" patternSyntax="Wildcard">
                    <match url="geoserver*" />
                    <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:0}" />

So far, so good.


On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 4:59 AM, uk52rob <uk52rob at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

Hi All,
>I know this is not the first time this has been mentioned. I have searched for days for a solution without success, so I am hoping someone else has solved this in a similar environment.
>Windows 2008 Web Server
>IIS 7
>Geoserver 2.1.4
>The main website runs via IIS on ssl port 443 (https://geoserver.testdomain.com:443), whereas Geoserver's Jetty webserver runs on port 8080, non-ssl (http://geoserver.testdomain.com:8080).
>The issue arises when the openlayers javascript runs on the main website. All WMS layers are fine, but javascript will not allow the WFS (XML) layers from the other port. This returns Origin https://geoserver.testdomain.com:443is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
>I have tried a number of work-arounds, including:
>Using IIS URL Rewrite
>http://cartoninjas.pl/post/2010/10/12/Installing-GeoServer-on-Windows-7-(x32-or-x64)-and-IIS-75.aspx (returns "forbidden" or "site not found" errors)
>Modify Jetty access control
>http://jetty.4.n6.nabble.com/Jetty-Access-Control-Allow-Origin-td4634198.html (causes the jetty server to fail in starting up)
>Using an IIS proxy
>http://code.google.com/p/iisproxy/issues/detail?id=8 (returns a 500 - Internal server error)
>General Info
>This is not the entire list, as some methods have been removed from my browser history, but it will give you an idea of the steps taken.
>I have not run the HTML / javascript directly from the WWW directory in Geoserver, as the WFS / WMS connection strings include a username and password, which would then be freely available to look at in the HTML document. Instead, they are encapsulated within the current PHP scripts running on the main IIS domain, which offers them some protection.
>If anyone has any experience with this issue, I would be grateful to hear from you.
>Many thanks,
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